Monday, October 16, 2017

Background of an Inserted Image Transparent

You can make all pixels of a specific color in a grayscale or color image transparent. This is useful for overlaying two images or placing an image in front of objects.

To make an image transparent

Select the image.
Right-click the image. Click Properties.
In the Properties palette, select Transparency.
Click the down arrow at the right of the box and select Yes.
Specify which color will be transparent.

To change the color that is transparent

Zoom in close to the image so that you can accurately select the color.
Click the image frame.
If you are zoomed so you cannot see the image frame, press Shift + left-click to select the image.

Right-click the image. Click Properties.
In the Properties palette, select Transparency Color.
If Transparency Color does not appear in the Properties palette, the image may not be loaded or the Raster Extension may not be loaded. To load the image, select the image. Right-click the image  ImageShow Image. To load the Raster Extension, choose an image command such as Insert An Image.

You can choose the transparency color for grayscale and color images. In bitonal images, the transparency color is always the background color of the image.

Click  to display the Transparency Color dialog box.
Click Select and pick the desired color on the image. Click OK.
To turn on transparency, select Transparency in the Properties palette and set it to Yes.